




Winter brings its aches and pains,

Can cause painful chilblains

And colder weather after rain,

Cloudy and bleak days are distressing,

When night comes it is a blessing,

Some mornings you see frost and fog,

A very distressing sight,

Although we can keep warm by day,

We turn the heaters on at night,

Southern States may have snow,

Causing cold winds to blow,

Man will always follow the sun,

A custom since time began,

Southern people will journey north,

To seek a warmer climate,

Birds that migrate to our shores,

Are long gone we hear their song no more,

Frogs and reptiles seek the shelter a log,

Or go underground to hibernate,

And in spring will find a mate,

Some winters maybe warm or colder,

One thing is sure we are one year older,

June twenty-one the year’s shortest day,

So I have no more to say,

But before I close will bid you all Good day.

 Eric Munro Glen



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